Rachel Diaz

Updated Sunday, January 28, 2024-00:40

The most used passwords in Spain in 2023 reveal

a worrying trend towards choosing weak and predictable passwords.

According to NordPass data, some of the most common passwords are "admin", "123456", "12345678", "123456789", "12345", "password", "1234567890", "mallorca64", "barcelona" and "000000 ". These types of passwords, although easy to remember, represent a serious security risk as they are extremely vulnerable to cyber attacks.

In fact, globally, people tend to use weaker passwords for streaming accounts and reserve stronger ones for financial services, which also often have complementary authentication methods. A common use of words related to geographical places, proper names and numerical sequences is observed. There are even people who use the website name plus "QWERTY" or "123456" as a password.

What a strong password should contain

To improve the security of your passwords, it is essential to follow some best practices. The National Cybersecurity Institute (INCIBE) suggests choosing strong passwords of

at least 8 characters that include uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters

such as "+", "*" or "=". It's important to avoid easy-to-guess passwords, such as simple number sequences, family names, or dates of birth. Furthermore, passwords should not be shared with anyone, nor should they be used for different services.

A useful technique for creating strong passwords is to use patterns based on memorable phrases, combining them with numbers and symbols. For example, the phrase "In a place in the Channel" could become a password like "EuldlM2&". This method not only generates a strong password but also an easy one to remember. Additionally, it is advisable to change passwords periodically and use password managers to store them securely.

Basic tips

Avoid using personal information,

do not use birth dates, pet names, or anniversaries

, as they are easily accessible or deductible. As we noted above with an example, a good way to make a password longer and less predictable is to choose a long phrase and convert some letters into symbols or numbers. For example, "MyFavoriteBookIs1984" could become "M1L!br0Fav0r!t03s1984".

Don't recycle passwords, so avoid using slight variations of the same password for different accounts. Where possible, enable two-step verification – although it may seem like an extra step, it provides an important layer of security. For example, enabling it to send a verification code via SMS, email or mobile application such as Microsoft or Google Authenticator.

Password managers

For those who face difficulties in remembering multiple strong passwords, password managers emerge as an essential tool. These programs not only securely store all passwords in one place, but also offer the facility of

only requiring a master key to access them, which is often biometric data such as fingerprint or facial recognition

. This master key acts as the unique key to a chest containing all other passwords.

Additionally, many password managers offer additional features such as automatically generating strong passwords and the ability to change them automatically on supported websites. This makes it easy to create and maintain complex passwords without the burden of having to remember them all or keep track of changing them.

Periodic password renewal

The practice of changing passwords regularly contributes significantly to security. This habit prevents the potential risk associated with having a password compromised for an extended period. The general recommendation is to use different ones every three to six months. Additionally, it is

important to change passwords immediately if they are suspected to have been compromised

or if they have been shared with someone. Many services such as Google or Meta notify you if a new device has connected or accessed a service or device, directly offering the option to change the password and log out of all devices. So it is also important to pay attention to your email.

Cybersecurity education

Continuing cybersecurity education is crucial. Understanding the risks and adopting safe practices, such as

checking app permissions before installing them

and being alert for suspicious emails or messages, can prevent many of the most common errors. Additionally, staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threats can help anticipate and mitigate potential risks.