Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credit: Loïc Venance/AFP 7:28 p.m., January 26, 2024

A Gironde transport company was sentenced by the Bordeaux Criminal Court to a fine of 50,000 euros for involuntary injuries after the suicide attempt of an employee who denounced acts of sexual harassment. “A first in this type of case, which could set a precedent,” said the plaintiff’s lawyer. 

A Gironde transport company was fined 50,000 euros for involuntary injuries after the suicide attempt of an employee who denounced acts of sexual harassment, we learned on Friday from her lawyer. The Bordeaux criminal court ruled that the Veynat company, which employs more than 800 drivers, had not fulfilled its obligations of prudence or safety by not putting in place the required provisions in terms of prevention and support of victims.

“An extremely sexualized and hyper-harassing climate”

“A first in this type of case, which could set a precedent,” said Marion Stephan, lawyer for the thirty-year-old plaintiff, confirming information from the newspaper Sud Ouest. In 2021, the employee reported to human resources actions amounting to aggravated sexual harassment for which two executives were simultaneously sentenced to eight and twelve months in prison.

Looks under skirts on the stairs, catalog of "fuckable girls", throwing paperclips into the neckline, touching of breasts and hands in the hair, suggestive grunts and gravelly remarks, masturbation video in the toilets... Me Stephan denounces an “extremely sexualized and hyper-harassing climate, where all women were considered potential targets”. Due to a lack of hierarchical support and "totally ostracized", according to her, her client sank into depression, until a suicide attempt for which she was hospitalized for a month in 2022.

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Also prosecuted for involuntary injuries, the CEO of the company was acquitted. “The court recognizes the innocence of the director of the Veynat company. As we have affirmed since day one, Veynat is not a sexist company and we have no tolerance for sexism,” reacted the company, assuring that its management “has always been uncompromising with this type of behavior and will continue to be so”.

"The company was condemned for involuntary acts linked to formal obligations. We have already appealed this unjust and incomprehensible conviction, which does not reflect the reality of the measures we have been taking for years to fight against harassment and protect our employees,” she added. Two other executives of the company are being prosecuted for sexual assault, notably against a cleaning lady, in a separate procedure.