Twitter God

Updated Sunday, January 21, 2024-02:04

This week, with the permission of

Blue Monday

, we had the Davos Forum, that global meeting, in a beautiful place in Switzerland, where the elites of the planet meet to ask them to find solutions to the

problems that they themselves create.

According to the latest data, one in ten attendees

comes on their private jet

, so there is no one better than them to talk to us about the carbon footprint and climate change, for example.


Greta Thumberg

, already tall and in the midst of a popularity crisis, and

Javier Milei

who managed to complete a speech without shouting even once, the stars of this year in Davos have been the storage room where

Pedro Sánchez

met with some very happy Spanish businessmen , the appearance of an Arab clone of Aznar, a very angry man who was passing by and started ranting, and a kind of shaman who distributed blessings to everyone.

The Davos Forum has been good, but it will never be able to compete with the national news: a representative calls another representative subnormal on Twitter, the same week that we modified the Spanish Constitution to

eliminate the term "disabled"


And a relative of a councilor from Úbeda receives the Christmas prize twice, organized by the City Council, with the collaboration of an "innocent" and quite skilled hand.

It is no coincidence

that Spain is the birthplace of

La Celestina


Lazarillo de Tormes


El Buscón

and Pedro Sánchez.

I leave you these little things and some more.

Be good.