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Elon Musk at an event in Rome in December: Participation in the conference on online anti-Semitism

Photo: Angelo Carconi / EPA

According to the Polish government, Elon Musk is expected in Krakow and the former Nazi concentration camp (KZ) Auschwitz next week.

Musk will take part in a conference on online anti-Semitism in Poland, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Szejna announced in Warsaw on Friday.

He thereby confirmed a report by the Bloomberg news agency.

Musk had repeatedly come under fire for spreading anti-Jewish clichés and conspiracy theories.

Despite some controversial posts, Musk emphasized that he was fundamentally against anti-Semitism.

The number of inflammatory anti-Semitic posts on the platform Twitter, which Musk took over and is now called X, has increased since the entrepreneur joined.

The Jewish organization Anti-Defamation League (ADL) also accuses Musk of not doing enough to combat anti-Semitism.

Strong criticism of X also came from the White House in November; important advertising customers such as Apple and Disney had withdrawn from there because of the controversial content.

(Read more about Musk's inflammatory posts and why he is still fawned over by Benjamin Netanyahu here.)

Musk should discuss with Ben Shapiro

Next week, the head of Tesla and Space X is scheduled to take part in a ceremony at the Auschwitz memorial.

The conference in Krakow, which Musk will attend, is organized by the European Jewish Association or EJA and will take place from January 21st to 23rd - shortly before the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day on January 27th .

On January 22nd at 5 p.m. local time, Musk will discuss with the conservative US media entrepreneur Ben Shapiro, Bloomberg reported.

Shapiro temporarily wrote for the ultra-right website Breitbart News; he later resigned and criticized the site.

The conference is important because it is about the fight against anti-Semitism, racism and hate speech, said Deputy Foreign Minister Szejna, according to the PAP agency.

That is probably the reason why Musk was among the guests who agreed to attend.
