Guillaume Dominguez / Photo credit: MARYAM EL HAMOUCHI / AFP 19:37 p.m., December 05, 2023

Kendy, 15, died on Monday in Domont, Val-d'Oise, after being stabbed during a brawl between young people from his commune and another group, from Ezanville, the neighboring town. Stupor, fear and incomprehension mingle in the vicinity of the high school where the teenager attended.

It's a very special atmosphere that reigns this Tuesday in Ezanville in the Val-d'Oise. It was in the neighbouring commune of Domont that 15-year-old Kendy died from a stab wound on Monday during a brawl between two groups of young people from the two communes. In high school, where the young man attended, emotions ran high, faces were sad and incomprehension prevailed.

All young people here are familiar with the rivalry between the two municipalities. But no one imagined such an outcome. "My father was in Ézanville and there were already these stories when he was young. It was always a little fight here, a little fight there, but never a life was ruined for a silly story," says Lisa, a student in her final year of high school.

"It's scary for our children"

In addition to this emotion, there is also the fear of possible reprisals. This Terminale student fears that things will get worse. "It's scary. There may be people who are not necessarily in the conflict, but who will take advantage of it to fight back."


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On this Tuesday evening, no students linger in front of the school and everyone quickly goes home. Sometimes, it's even their parents who come directly to pick them up, like Gaël, who is worried about his daughter in second grade. "I always come to look for her, but now we're going to be more vigilant because it can happen to anyone. It's scary for our children, it's scary for the inhabitants of the communes." To ensure security in front of the school and avoid possible excesses, two CRS trucks and three gendarmerie patrols remained parked all afternoon in front of the school.