Europe 1 with AFP 13:00 p.m., November 28, 2023

The ex-wife of serial killer Michel Fourniret, Monique Olivier, said she "regrets everything that happened", after President Didier Safar recalled the facts at the opening of his trial.

Monique Olivier, the ex-wife of serial killer Michel Fourniret, said Tuesday before the Hauts-de-Seine Assize Court that she "regrets everything that happened", after President Didier Safar recalled the facts. Standing in her cubicle, very hesitant, the septuagenarian, with short hair and a white sweater, then said very softly: "Listen, all this, it me...", before being cut off by the president. She was reacting to the various accusations of complicity in the Domèce, Parrish and Mouzin cases for which she is on trial.

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