"There are so-called pro-inflammatory foods that create an unfavorable environment in the body and lead to diseases. These include vegetable oils, sugar, red meat, smoked and pickled foods. You should be careful with the intake of fatty acids, in particular omega-6. Very few people have its deficiency, and an overabundance of this trace element leads to inflammation in the body," Chudakov said.

He also noted that lack of sleep, lack of physical activity and stress contribute to the weakening of the immune system.

According to him, long-term stress leads to a disruption in the interaction of the nervous and immune systems, so if you have such a problem, you should include magnesium in your diet.

In addition, in the fall, you should definitely include vitamins B, C and zinc in your diet. The best sources of vitamins are berries, in particular black currants, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries.

Earlier, Andrey Kozlov, an expert of the Central Committee of the NTI "Bionic Engineering in Medicine" on the basis of Samara State Medical University, stressed in an interview with RT that the uncontrolled use of antibiotics for the treatment of colds leads to the formation of resistance of microorganisms, which is dangerous both for the person who treated the cold in this way, and for other people who may be infected.

Read more in the RT article.