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One of the eight tips: Move more!

Photo: Miodrag Gajic / Getty Images

It doesn't take much to live a long and healthy life. According to U.S. scientists, this can be achieved with exactly eight measures, the so-called "Life's Essential 8". These are the most important health tips, now officially defined by the American Heart Association (AHA).

They are said to drastically reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and other serious health problems. If you stick to it, it can slow down the aging process of the body by up to six years.

The eight measures are designed to keep body weight, blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure under control, while at the same time paying attention to healthy sleeping and eating habits. In addition, exercise and quitting smoking can significantly prolong life, say the US experts.

The researchers' findings are based on data from more than 6,500 adults with an average age of 47 years. The subjects with the best cardiovascular health are biologically about six years younger than their actual age. The evaluations have shown that there is a clear link between heart health and biological aging.

Getting younger – suddenly 41 instead of 36!

Subjects with good heart health and an age of 41 would have an average biological age of 36 years, according to the study. Those with poor cardiovascular health and an actual age of 53 years, on the other hand, would have an average biological age of 57 years.

"These results help us to understand the relationship between actual and biological age. They also show us how following healthy lifestyle habits can help us live longer," Donald Lloyd-Jones, chair of the writing group for Life's Essential 8, the AHA's health assessment tool, told the Guardian.

These are the eight health measures taken by the American Heart Association:

  • Eat a healthy diet

  • Be more active and move more

  • Quit smoking

  • Treat yourself to a healthy night's sleep

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • Control cholesterol levels

  • Pay attention to blood sugar

  • Control blood pressure

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