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Berlin Central Station: »Currently down«

Photo: Christoph Soeder / dpa

Nothing worked on Wednesday afternoon: Deutsche Bahn customers were unable to search for connections or book tickets in the new version of the Deutsche Bahn app, the DB Navigator. At 16:12 p.m., the company announced on X that the DB Navigator was "currently down" and that IT was "working at full speed to rectify the malfunction." Please bahn.de use the website until then. But even that was not available, at least for a short time. It was initially unclear whether it was only overloaded because too many app users wanted to use it as an alternative solution, or whether there was also a technical malfunction here.

It is already the second major outage within a short period of time. There was a similar incident on October 6.

On Wednesday, the app displayed the message "Connection error – Please check your internet connection and try again". According to users, the app was disrupted for at least two hours. At the time of publishing this article, the problem persisted.

The revamped version of the application, which has been used millions of times, was praised by Deutsche Bahn itself with the words: "The systems are characterized by a high level of stability and reliability."

Deutsche Bahn did not immediately respond to an inquiry from SPIEGEL.
