Europe 1 12:16 p.m., October 12, 2023

Last Thursday, in Bordeaux, a 22-year-old student riding a scooter was hit by the car of Mayor Pierre Hurmic, who was on board. According to information from "Sud-Ouest", the young woman filed a complaint for unintentional injuries and hit-and-run. For his part, the mayor assures that he wants to be transparent about the case.

While riding a scooter in the centre of Bordeaux last Thursday, in the middle of the afternoon, a 22-year-old student was hit by the car of the city's mayor, Pierre Hurmic (EELV), reveals the daily Sud-Ouest. The young woman decided to file a complaint for unintentional injury and hit-and-run.

"I may have made the mistake of mentioning the mayor of Bordeaux"

According to the victim's version, reported by Sud-Ouest, the student, who was prescribed 10 days of ITT, crossed a pedestrian crossing when she saw "a car moving in slow motion, my light was green. I thought it was going to stop... But he started to accelerate. I banged on the driver's side door. I took the handlebars of my scooter in my stomach, it gave me whiplash, but I didn't fall," she explained to the daily.

>> ALSO READ – Electric scooters: minimum age raised to 14 years old and fines increased to 135 euros

The driver then rolls down the window to apologise, explaining that he is in a hurry because he has to "join the motorcade of the Minister of Culture". For her part, the young woman reaches the sidewalk and bursts into tears. Two witnesses to the scene came to his aid and one of them claimed to have "recognised Pierre Hurmic, the mayor of Bordeaux". The student went to the police station to file a complaint, but "they explained to me that I didn't have any injuries, that it's complicated," she told Sud-Ouest. "I may have made the mistake of mentioning the mayor of Bordeaux, I don't know."

"We will be transparent," says Pierre Hurmic

She gave up, but decided to try again the next day, at another police station in Bordeaux. The officers then recommended that he only put down a handrail, and that they would contact the town hall. A few hours later, the driver called the young woman and apologized, while trying to find an arrangement "so that things don't go any further." After another consultation with the doctor, the student decided once again to file a complaint but "a policewoman explained to me that I could have problems, as my scooter was not insured". "A little lost", she finally chose to turn to the Bordeaux prosecutor to try to solve "this story where nothing is normal".

>> ALSO READ – Bordeaux: the measures taken by the city to regulate self-service scooters

For its part, the city of Bordeaux confirmed to Sud-Ouest the presence of the mayor in the vehicle, saying that it was the scooter that hit the vehicle. Pierre Hurmic himself added to the daily that "the municipal services will be completely transparent to establish the truth of the facts. I hope that the consequences of this accident do not harm this person," he said.