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Tram of the BVG

Photo: Monika Skolimowska / dpa

Notwithstanding the ongoing debate about the further financing of the Deutschlandticket, a 29-euro ticket will be reintroduced in Berlin. The supervisory board of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg (VBB) decided this on Thursday, said Berlin's Transport Senator Manja Schreiner (CDU). The ticket will therefore be valid for fare zones A and B, i.e. the Berlin city area, and will be available as an annual subscription from next early summer.

A ticket for 29 euros per month for public transport in the capital had already been available after the expiry of the 9-euro ticket last September. However, when the nationwide Deutschlandticket for 49 euros per month was introduced, the offer was discontinued again. The CDU and SPD then agreed in the coalition negotiations at the state level to reintroduce the 29-euro ticket.

"I see the 29-euro ticket as a supplement to the successful Deutschlandticket," explained Transport Senator Schreiner. It is interesting, for example, for pensioners or self-employed people who cannot get a job ticket. However, the significantly cheaper ticket is also likely to be an alternative for many existing Deutschlandticket customers.

Dispute over the 49-euro ticket

Meanwhile, the 49-euro ticket continues to cause a dispute between the federal and state governments. The latter convened a special transport ministers' conference on Thursday afternoon to discuss the future of the service. They are questioning the ticket as a whole if there is no solution to the dispute over financing.

The federal and state governments have each pledged 2025.1 billion euros annually until 5 to finance the 49-euro ticket. It was also agreed that any additional costs would be borne equally this year. However, there is still no agreement on this point for the coming year.

Federal Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) rejects further financial commitments from the federal government. The transport associations should rather concentrate on "structural improvements" and abolish competing products to the Deutschlandticket – or not introduce them at all.
