More than 20,000 viewers have seen in the last month in Madrid (70,000 in all of Spain)

El humor de mi vida,

the personal work of

the actress and presenter Paz Padilla

(Cádiz, 1969), based on the homonymous book published in 2021 after the death of her husband.

The play in which she stars, directed by Pablo Barrera, has successfully competed in the maelstrom of premieres on the capital's theater scene this fall, with a full house every night, according to the artist.


actress's autobiographical monologue

humorously tells her unique love story and the subsequent personal effort she has made to accept the death of Antonio, the love of her life.

It is a dizzying journey through her emotions that aims to show "another way of experiencing grief, with sadness but with a calmer process, without anguish," she declares.

Before ending her show at the Teatro Capitol Gran Vía and continuing her tour throughout Spain, Paz Padilla attends Metrópoli while driving through Madrid in her hybrid car, "as it should be done".

Did you expect this response from people? I never expect anything, everything that comes to me is a gift.

But this is a very beautiful labor of love and, they say, people leave changed.

Many colleagues by profession, such as the actors Rafael El Brujo, Nancho Novo, journalists like Sardá or Nacho Abad, and people on the street tell me that I have helped them a lot.

They have understood that there is another way to grieve, with sadness but with a calmer process, without anguish. Is it like a self-help book or session, then? I do not define my book as self-help, because it is not.

It is my experience, my process, where I have gone through.

If it's of any use to anyone, great.

I'm not a


I am not a psychologist, nor do I pretend to be, I am simply a person who has gone through that desert and has found some answers that I now share with others.

I start looking for those answers when my husband dies in 2020. It was a horrible year: first my mother died, after four months my husband, after two weeks my mother-in-law and after a month my father-in-law.

So she needed to understand what was happening, how she was going to survive... and she needed help.

I looked for tools with professionals and people who have gone through this process, who helped me. And with those answers, now you also give conferences. Now I am a sponsor of Palliative Care and I dedicate myself to giving conferences, to make palliative care visible and the acceptance of death, because people are so afraid of death, they are not prepared and you have to help them accept the process.

There is a lack of information.

And how were you able to get the comic side and humor out of such a big stick to write the book?

Because I learned that humor is the opposite of fear and when you are faced with a situation that makes you panic, the only way to overcome it is with love and humor.

Humor degreases.

Mourning is necessary, but not only when a loved one is lost;

It's a divorce, an eviction, some cuckolding... and laughter should always be there.

It is not incompatible with something sad.

Through laughter, the shell of fear is removed. Your book has gone through 12 editions and more than 250,000 copies sold in more than 10 countries. What do you think is the key to its success?

Because it moves consciences.

Death is a universal subject and also taboo, but I talk about it with humor.

Do you know how nice that is, to deal with the subject without anguish?

Is writing your best professional side,

the one that fills you up the most? I think so.

Especially with this work.

It is so nice that they thank you and that they tell you that you have helped them... but I do not want to pigeonhole myself in one.

I am also happy with the rest.

Now I've finished the movie

A todo tren 2

, in which I star with Paz Vega, I am preparing another one for the summer,

The humor of my life

It's also going to be taken to the movies, and besides, I'm a businesswoman, I have the fashion brand No Ni Ná with my daughter. And presenting on television, will you come back after leaving the program 'Save me'? Yes, of course, I still have a contract in Telecinco.

Options are being sought. With such a wide professional range that you have, what was the need to present a program as controversial and controversial as 'Sálvame'?

You know what I think, that my way of thinking was so different, my way of leading life was so different, that I thought that somehow I brought something different to the show, like love.

I always talked about love and they made fun of me, but in a place where the way of dealing with issues is so sensitive, I thought that love helped, until it stopped helping (laughs).

But it is not easy, when your speech and your path is harmony, peace,

kindness, and then you go to the theater and receive so much love, you say to yourself: "this doesn't add up, something doesn't fit", but I thought that well, that I had to be there [in Sálvame] and that maybe someone would listen to me. Do you think that your time in that program has curbed your desire to do other projects? On a professional level, no.

It has slowed me down on a personal level, because I am on another wave and it is true that there comes a time when if you don't leave, the universe kicks you out.

Your statements about Covid vaccines a year ago were very controversial, do you still think the same? You know what happens, that I got infected again last December and my seven brothers, all vaccinated, the same.

What happened is that I did a direct in which I explained that no matter how much we have the Covid passport, we must protect ourselves, because the virus is caught even if you are vaccinated.

From that conversation, they took a piece in which María [Patiño] asks me, "are you vaccinated?", and I tell her that it did not matter if she was vaccinated, because the Covid was caught the same.

I am not at all a denialist and anti-vaccination, what I wanted to say is that people protect themselves, but in December it sounded like it was something very strange, because people went as if they were immunized and the vaccine does not immunize you, it prevents you from getting more serious ,

something that I also explained at the time. Would you consider getting into politics?

No, I am not prepared at all and I think that I am not good for that.

I serve to make humor, I am an actress and presenter and I love doing it.

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