A woman in her 20s who wielded a weapon in the face of a disabled person she saw on the street for the first time 19 days after being released from prison was sentenced to prison.

According to the Seoul Central District Court today (16th), the 24th Criminal Division (Chief Judge Cho Yong-rae) sentenced Mr. A to 4 years and 6 months in prison on the 11th, who was arrested and charged with habitual special injury under the Punishment of Violence Act.

At around 7 pm on August 22, Mr. A swung a previously prepared weapon in the face of a man in his 60s who was sitting in front of the fence near the entrance of the Gyeongui Line at Seoul Station Square and injured him.

The victim was a polio disabled person who had difficulty walking without crutches, and as a result of Mr. A's crime, 5 cm of the cheek, 10 cm of the forehead, and 2 cm of the bridge of the nose were torn.

Accordingly, the prosecution arrested and indicted Mr. A.

It was revealed that Mr. A, who committed this same crime on the 19th day after her release from prison, had stabbed and injured other people in the face several times in the past.

In May 2014, she was sentenced to 3 years in prison for a long term and 2 years in a short term for a crime of personal injury such as a group or a weapon, in September 2018 she was sentenced to 3 years in prison for a crime of special injury, and in October of last year she was sentenced to 1 year in prison for a crime of special injury.

The judge pointed out that "the victim received simple emergency treatment and the treatment was terminated, but her face is an important part of the body and abstract disorder * may occur in the future" and "the matter is very serious and the crime is poor."

At the same time, he added, "Mr. A could not reach an agreement with the victim, made no effort to compensate for the damage, and the circumstances after the crime were very bad, such as not showing any sense of guilt during the investigation."

Mr. A objected to the ruling and appealed on the 14th.

* Abstract disorder: A disorder that occurs when skin or tissue is lost due to scars or burns caused by an accident and does not disappear even after plastic surgery.