
An internet media outlet disclosed the real names of the victims of the Itaewon disaster without the consent of the bereaved families.

The media said it was released for true condolences and accountability, but criticism is pouring in.

Reporter Park Ye-rin covered the story.


The real names of 155 victims of the Itaewon disaster were disclosed on the homepage of an Internet media scheduled to be published tomorrow (15th).

The media insisted that the victims are buried in the shadow of anonymity, reducing the impact, and that disclosing even their names is the way to contribute to true condolences and accountability.

The media said that it deeply apologizes for not being able to seek consent from the bereaved family because there is no bereaved family council.

However, there is criticism for disclosing the victim's real name without the consent of the bereaved family.

Lawyers for a Democratic Society called for the withdrawal of the list, saying that it is causing irreversible rights violations to bereaved families who are experiencing trauma.

A bereaved family who was in contact with the reporters also expressed their firm opposition.

[Victim's bereaved family: Are these people as sad as the bereaved family?

Forcing condolences on the entire nation without seeking consent from the bereaved families is nothing more than trying to let the names of their media outlets know...

I think so.]

Political reactions showed a difference in temperature.

People's Power said that it was a'pro-Democratic online media' that released the list, and criticized the Democratic Party, which had insisted on disclosing the list, as an'accomplice'.

He then criticized the disclosure of the list of victims without the consent of the bereaved family, saying that it was a clear secondary offense, and that it was violence and outrageous behavior, not the realm of freedom of speech.

Justice Party representative Lee Jeong-mi also expressed strong regret, emphasizing that the release of the list is a matter for the bereaved family to decide.

The Democratic Party said that the disclosure of the list of victims and proper memorial procedures are necessary, but that the consent of the bereaved family must be preceded, saying that disclosing the list without consent is inappropriate.

(Video coverage: Kim Seung-tae, Video editing: Lee So-young)