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A video that delayed the dispatch of paramedics due to a vehicle illegally parked in front of the garage of the 119 Safety Center was released, drawing outrage from netizens.

On the 2nd, an online community posted a video of an illegally parked vehicle and an article conveying the situation at the time.

According to author A, a car was parked in front of the garage door of the 119 Safety Center.

Shortly thereafter, an ambulance call was issued, the garage door opened, and the ambulance started.

The ambulance crew, who tried to open the ambulance door, encountered an illegally parked vehicle and could not be dispatched immediately.

Person A said, "It seemed that the paramedics were looking for illegally parked vehicles, leaving photos of evidence and calling somewhere."

Netizens who saw the post commented, "It is necessary to strengthen criminal punishment as an example", "Did you think it was possible because the garage door was down when you parked", "I have seen such things often", "I need to cancel my license", etc. reacted.

'Forcible disposal' is possible, but the effectiveness is still questionable

Meanwhile, according to the Framework Act on Firefighting, which was amended in 2018, illegally parked and parked vehicles that obstruct the emergency dispatch of fire engines cannot be compensated even if they are damaged in the process of being moved.

The background of the passage of the amendment was an incident that caused a lot of criticism at the time because the initial rescue of the fire in the Jecheon Sports Center fire in Jecheon, North Chungcheong Province, which caused 29 deaths in 2017, was delayed due to illegal parking.

Although the law has been prepared, there are still voices in the field that it is difficult to forcibly dispose of illegally parked vehicles.

In fact, there has been only one case of forcibly disposing of illegally parked vehicles when a fire engine is dispatched until recently after the law was amended.

It was found that the reality of firefighters who have no choice but to bear administrative burdens such as complaints from borrowers or concerns about litigation issues in the post-processing process has had an impact. 

In response, experts diagnosed that "it is necessary to expand relevant legal support so that firefighters can smoothly implement compulsory disposition."

(Photo=Online Community 'Babe Dream')

▶ [2019.4.4.

Video mug] Illegally parked car in front of the burning house ☞ Now just push it away