It is known that baseball player Oh Ji-hwan (LG Twins) visited the mortuary of a fan who died in the Itaewon disaster.

Yesterday (the 1st), Oh Ji-hwan's wife, Kim Young-eun, shared a photo of Oh Ji-hwan and her female fan through her SNS.

In her post, Kim Young-eun said, "I received a DM (direct message) with a late night picture."

The person who left a message to Kim Young-eun was none other than the family of the victims of the Itaewon disaster, and the bereaved family told Kim Young-eun that "I told Mr. was a fan

If Ji-hwan prays for him, he will probably like it a lot.”

After receiving the message, Kim Young-eun showed the photo to her husband Oh Ji-hwan, who remembered the female fan who took the photo together

. He said he couldn't sleep because he was so exhausted that he dropped off the child at the daycare center in the morning and went to the funeral."

Enlarging an image

The bereaved family, who met Oh Ji-hwan, who visited the funeral home, was saddened by the story, saying, "My wife practiced saying 'Oji-hwan's autograph please' to take a picture when he met Oh Ji-hwan."

Kim Young-eun, who delivered the news, said, "Thank you for liking Oh Ji-hwan. I will pray for peace in heaven with your daughter."

Today, on the fifth day of the Itaewon disaster, the death toll stood at 156, with the burial of 68 people completed, and 88 people are discussing funeral procedures with their relatives.

(Photo=@kim_young_eun Instagram)