Lee Sang-min, Minister of the Interior and Safety, officially apologized as the Minister of the Interior and Safety, three days after the Itaewon disaster.

Minister Lee said at the meeting of the National Assembly Safety Committee's current issue report on the afternoon of the 1st, "The state has an unlimited responsibility for the safety of the people, but as the Minister of State in charge responsible for the safety of the people for the occurrence of this accident, I sincerely apologize to the people. I'll give it to you." He bowed his head.

"I promise to take this incident as an opportunity to focus more on solving the accident and identifying the cause of the accident, and to do my best and do my best to prevent the recurrence of a large-scale incident."

Regarding the controversy on the 30th of last month, when he remarked that "it was not a problem that could be solved by dispatching police and firefighting personnel," Minister Lee bowed his head repeatedly, saying, "I did not carefully examine the hearts of the bereaved family and the people who lost their precious family." expressed regret.