A woman on an American flight posted on social media complaining that she had been caught between two overweight passengers for three hours.

Controversy is brewing.

Australian-American Sydney Watson, on his social media account, said, 'I'm literally stuck between two obese people on the plane.'

If you look at the photo posted together, you can see the passengers on either side of the seat intruded.

Sydney denounced 'obese people don't buy two seats or get on a plane', claiming they had sweat on them and there was no room for a drink.

The airline, who saw this post, added, "We do not discriminate against passengers of any body type," but also apologized for the inconvenience during the flight.

In addition, he said that he would send a travel card worth $150 and our money to Sydney, who said he wanted a reward.

Some netizens pointed out that it was hate speech against obese people, but Sydney countered that she had no intention of apologizing.