In networks, an interview that the BBC

conducted almost ten years ago, in 2013, has gone viral

. In the video that is circulating today on social networks, you can see how the presenter

Karen Bowerman

interviewed a man live that the program had confused with a technology expert.

The interview was broadcast on

News 24.

The interviewee was Guy Goma, a man who had come to the BBC offices for a job interview in the IT department.

He was mistaken for Guy Kewney,

a British technology expert who was also at the reception after going to the BBC offices to be interviewed about Apple Computer's court case with record label Apple Corps.

Having the same name -Guy- and both being at the reception of the BBC, the production team confused them.

In the video you can see how when the presenter introduces the interviewee as the Internet expert

Guy Kewney,

the man makes a face of astonishment, realizing that it was a mistake.

However, aware that he was in a live program, Goma tried to answer the space host's questions, giving quite credible answers.

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