Alteration of mental health, obsession with the "like", the desire of platforms to turn us into profit machines... The list of grievances against so-called "social" networks is impressive.

And this is one of the highlights of this blacklisting: the more a site is known, the more it is singled out.

However, this is not the announced end of social networks: some platforms, such as Discord, Twitch or Telepath manage to animate active communities.

Nevertheless: this mistrust comes as European Commissioner Thierry Breton asked that the metaverse not become a theater of manipulation for the benefit of an oligopoly.

He compared this developing immersive world to the ancient Greek agora, a public space where interactions have the potential to be amplified like never before.

Can we simply live without social networks when it was recalled, during the last conference of ambassadors and ambassadors of France, that it is indeed there that a growing part of our diplomacy is played out?

It still seems very difficult to cut this umbilical cord.

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