▲ Seoul Transportation Corporation’s official notice posted on the online community

 In relation to the 'Sindang Station Employee Murder Case' that occurred on the 14th, the fact that the Seoul Transportation Corporation sent an official letter to each business office asking them to 'submit ideas for establishing measures to prevent reoccurrence' is causing controversy.

Today (16th), an image of a notice that appears to have been made inside the Seoul Transportation Corporation the day before was shared on 'Blind', an online community for office workers.

In the official document, it was written, "This is an urgent notice from the Business Planning Department. As the Prime Minister's instructions, we need an idea to establish a countermeasure to prevent the death of a female employee at Sindang Station, so please submit your opinion to the Business Planning Department by 10 am on the 16th at each business office." , The idea submission form was supposed to include the name of the 'OO Sales Office' department, ideas, and expected effects.

Previously, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo had instructed the relevant ministries to quickly identify the cause and prepare measures to prevent recurrence in relation to the 'Sindang Station Employee Murder Case' that occurred on the 14th. It turned out that I was instructed to do so.

Regarding this, inside the Seoul Transportation Corporation, critics are coming out that it is a hasty decision to come up with ideas for preventing recurrence in this situation, saying, "Employees who have lost a colleague in a terrifying incident are already in a house of portraits."

Netizens responded, "The way of thinking of expressing relapse measures as 'recruiting ideas' is shocking", "Typical desk administration", "It is a serious murder case, but the word "death" reminds me of an accident."

Regarding this, an official from Seoul Transportation Corporation said, "Even before the Prime Minister's instructions, the department is doing its best to come up with countermeasures. When creating measures to prevent recurrence, the opinions of people working at the site are important. The deadline is 10 o'clock, but after that I will also receive opinions,” he said, but added, “I didn’t pay more attention to the word choice because I was in a hurry to post the notice.”

Meanwhile, at 3 pm today (16th), the Seoul Central District Court is conducting a substantive examination of the arrest warrant for Jeon (31), who was arrested on murder charges, and it is known that the warrant will be issued as early as this afternoon.

(Photo=Online Community 'Blind')