The court suspended the sentence of a university student who wielded a stone when he offered to restore a relationship to an elementary school classmate and was rejected.

Today (14th), Incheon District Court Detective 1 (Judge Oh Ki-doo) gave a graceful sentence to A (19), who was handed over to trial on charges of special injury, with a suspended sentence of 6 months in prison.

Deferred sentence is a system that defers the sentence for two years for offenders with relatively minor crimes, and exempts them from the sentence unless special circumstances arise during this period.

A was handed over to trial on the 11th of April at around 10 pm on a street in Seo-gu, Incheon, on charges of swinging a stone into the left eyeball of an elementary school classmate B (19).

On this day, Mr. A delivered a message to Mr. B, who had become estranged after being friends in the past, saying, "I want to be friends like before."

However, when Mr. B rejected the proposal, Mr. A committed the crime by picking up a 10cm-sized stone from a nearby flower bed.

To Mr. A, who had to stand in court, the court said, "The defendant paid 5 million won to the victim during the investigation stage and the victim did not want to be punished." We considered the fact that there is no such thing at all and that the support base of the family is clear."