When a man who explained that he accidentally stepped on a 7-month-old kitten, found out that he had been abused, such as kicking, and an animal group launched an accusation.

According to the animal group 'Busan Animal Love Street Cat Protection Association' on the 23rd, Mr. A, who worked at a car repair shop in Gimhae last month, was surprised to see the kitten 'Fanggu' raised by the president and employees at the company.

This is because the cat, which he had been cherishing for a while, was limping and unable to control himself while he was traveling abroad.

When I asked an employee of the same company, Mr. B, a new employee this time, stepped on a cat's paw, and his leg was swollen.

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As a result of taking the cat to the veterinary hospital in surprise, Mr. A broke 4 leg bones and had surgery to put 2 pins in it.

Afterwards, when Mr. B showed an apology along with saying he was sorry, Mr. A also cost about 3 million won in hospital bills, but he was glad that her surgery went well and tried to move on.

Then, one day, after Mr. B left the company, I checked the closed circuit (CC) TV, which I thought was not working because Mr. A was broken, and the truth of the incident was revealed.

Mr. B was kicking a 1.7 kg kitten that was just over 7 months old.

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Person A said, "When the cat was injured, the CCTV monitor broke and the screen was off, so Mr. B must have thought that there was no surveillance camera. said.

He continued, "I flew the cat as if I was kicking a soccer ball, and I chased the cat running away in fear and kicked it over and over again," he said.

The animal group filed a complaint against Mr. B for animal cruelty to the Gimhae West Police Station where Mr. A's company is located today.

Park Hye-kyung, head of the Busan Animal Love Wild Cat Conservation Coalition, said, "I get angry when I think of a small life trembling in fear until its leg is fractured. It should be investigated,” he urged.

(Photo = Provided by the Busan Animal Love stray cat protection association, Yonhap News)