
As the social distancing is lifted, solicitors who try to persuade you to visit pubs or entertainment establishments are on the rise again.

However, the tyranny is so severe that both passers-by and business owners are experiencing inconvenience, but crackdowns are of no use with blunt punishment.

Reporter Su-jin Yoon of G1 Broadcasting reported.


We will not send it to you right now.

Next to a man who staggered over drunkenness, three strong men were attached saying, 'I'm in a good place'.

[Solicitors: Give me one chance.

(Take him away, just.)]

Several times, a car came from somewhere, burned the man in an instant, and dragged him to an entertainment establishment.

Every night, 30 to 40 people in this alley alone are insisting on soliciting, but how much is it?

Our reporters passed by pretending to be a drunken passerby.

We looked into each other's eyes and within 30 seconds, we became friends.

[Solicitor: You can play wildly and have fun, or it can be secondary.

Trust your brother.

(No, I don't.) If it's good today, you'll become a regular with me, right or not, bro.]

It's basic to jump into illegal prostitution like this.

I get a commission from the owners for bringing customers,

[Affiliate at the entertainment establishment: (as a fee) 30-40% is taken.

There's nothing left, actually.

'This person is 30 in 2 hours' More than the amount I was supposed to give, I check the time and wait in front.]

If I don't make a transaction, I can't do business, so I can't stop.

[Affiliate at the entertainment establishment: Don’t set up camp and go to that store, that store is not good, and they take customers elsewhere or prevent them from entering.]

The fine for this kind of street solicitation is only 80,000 won, but neither the police nor the local government can do it. If you let it go, you won't be penalized.

[Karaoke staff: In this neighborhood at night, there is the boss.

The gangsters here can't touch the beak.

The police are the same.]

In the past 5 years, there were only 9 cases of notice of fines for soliciting in Wonju, and 22 cases in Gangwon-do as a whole.