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group of people in their 20s who committed various crimes after preparing a hideout like a dormitory was caught by the police.

Prosecutors and the police are reviewing ways to apply charges of organizing a criminal group to them.

Correspondent Kim Ji-wook.

<Reporter> This

is a multi-family house in Seo-gu, Incheon.

This was a kind of dormitory where 6-7 men and women in their 20s lived together, conspiring and executing crimes.

These people in their early to mid 20s called themselves 'the swordsmen'.

There are three main types of criminal methods that have been revealed so far in the police investigation.

First, they approached young women in their early 20s, got them to get a loan in return for a job, and then hijacked the money.

Only five victims have been identified so far, and the amount of damage has reached 140 million won.

He also committed an insurance fraud crime that deliberately caused a car accident using a luxury foreign car and collected insurance money.

In the course of the crime in Nowon-gu, Seoul in September last year, three hospital officials who wrote a false hospitalization confirmation letter were also arrested by the police.

[Hospital official: If sales go up, the position shown to the director can also improve, so it's a bit arbitrary...


He mobilized the women of his acquaintances into prostitution and then intercepted the money.

[Prostitution Victim: Almost every day, the sun goes down...


I gave everything I got.

Because 00 was taken as if it was too natural.]

[Shim Beom-gyu/Criminal Division 2, Incheon West Police Station: There have been 5 confirmed victims so far, but I think there will be additional victims for each crime.]

Prosecutors and the police are investigating these crimes is considering a plan to apply the charge of organizing a criminal group because of its systematic and poor quality of crime.