Justice Minister Park Beom-gye said in response to the political circle's request for the introduction of a special prosecutor related to the development of Daejang-dong, "We have to wait and see the results of the prosecution's investigation in that the investigation is ongoing, not finished."

Minister Park said at a press conference held today (29th) at the meeting room of the Ministry of Justice in the government complex in Gwacheon, "There are discussions between the ruling and opposition parties in the National Assembly, but the position of the special prosecutor on the subject and scope of the investigation is very different. We will refrain from giving opinions on the permanent special prosecutor to the public due to the potential for various noises.”

Regarding the investigation into the development of Daejang-dong, which is currently underway at the prosecution, "Of the two investigations, the design preference and lobbying hump, most of the main culprits were indicted in the former," he said. said.

"There is concern that a significant part of the investigation power may be lost as the arrest warrant for the former member of the House is dismissed, but we expect that the investigation team will do their best."

(Photo = Yonhap News)