<Anchor> At the same time,

it was pointed out that today's amnesty violated the promise made by President Moon Jae-in ahead of the last presidential election. There was also criticism that pardoning the former president for destroying constitutional order was not a matter for the president to decide arbitrarily.

Reporter Ahn Hee-jae pointed out this part.


"We will limit the president's amnesty to the 'five major corruption crimes'."

This is a promise that President Moon Jae-in repeatedly emphasized in the 2012 and 2017 presidential elections.

The purpose is to strictly prevent the repetition of five corruption crimes: embezzlement and breach of trust by politicians and public officials, bribery, and bribery.

Criticism poured in that this amnesty was a violation of this promise.

This is because former President Park Geun-hye was included in the pardon even though she was found guilty of bribery of billions of won.

A similar controversy arose during the pardon of former lawmaker Lee Kwang-jae, who was convicted of collecting more than 100 million won in illegal political funds last year. It's also difficult to get out.

The lottery of former Prime Minister Han Myung-sook, who was also found guilty of taking 900 million won in illegal political funds, is also controversial.

Even if it is not a major crime, there is a difference from the precedent in which non-payment of fines was excluded from pardon.

Even the lawyers for a democratic society that President Moon participated in strongly criticized it as a violation of the president's position and dictatorially exercising the right to amnesty, undermining democracy.

[Jun-Woo Kim / Leader of Media and Solidarity Team, Lawyers for a Democratic Society: (Special amnesty) Since (special amnesty) is an amnesty system that originated in the monarchy, it is necessary to define the subjects that are restricted (by law), or actively promote the general amnesty system through the National Assembly. should be used as...


As the promises made to the people are fading, the meaning of national unity, the greatest cause of this special amnesty, is also fading.

(Video coverage: Kim Seong-il, Yang Doo-won, video editing: Hwang Ji-young)

▶ The premise of 'the people's consensus'...

"Against pardon" somewhat ahead