<Anchor> The

identity of the suspect who wielded a knife and killed a woman's family under police protection has been released. My name is Seok-Jun Lee, 25 years old. The police also sent two profilers to the investigation team to determine the motive of the crime.

Reporter Shin Jeong-eun reports.

<Reporter> The

Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency has released the face and personal information of a 25-year-old man, Lee Seok-jun, through the Personal Disclosure Review Committee.

On the 10th, Lee was arrested on charges of wielding a weapon at a multi-family house in Songpa-gu, Seoul, killing the mother of a woman he knew and putting his brother in critical condition.

[Lee Seok-jun/Suspect: (Is this retaliatory murder?) I'm sorry.] The

police said that Mr. Lee admitted to all the crimes and that there was enough evidence such as CCTV footage, and this decision was made in consideration of the public interest, such as the effect of preventing crime and concerns about secondary damage. explained that it was taken down.

In a phone call with SBS, the bereaved family welcomed the decision to disclose their identity and called for a thorough investigation and severe punishment.

[Father of the victim's family: My stomach is boiling. Even more so after seeing your face. It was decided because (the crime) was serious and large that the identity of the person was revealed. .] The

police are also accelerating the investigation by sending in two profilers.

It is known that profilers are trying to figure out the motive of Mr. Lee's crime based on the contents of the police investigation.

In particular, it is reported that Mr. Lee is closely analyzing his actions after being investigated by the Daegu Police on the 6th of a report from a woman's family.

The police are also confirming the facts by capturing the circumstances in which Mr. Lee identified the victim's residence through Heungshinso.