<Anchor> An

international competition for people with disabilities to compete for their motor skills using the power of robots has been opened.

It is a competition held every four years like the Olympics, and Korea is challenging the gold medal with a robotic leg that is eight times faster than before.

This is Seo Dong-gyun reporter.

<Reporter> My

lower body is paralyzed, but using the power of a robotic leg, I stride up and down the stairs and get out of the tables at 1 meter intervals.

This is a'Cybaslon' competition that combines a cyborg, which means artificial human, and Athlon, an athletic game.

Break steeper and more complex obstacles faster and easier than the first competition four years ago.

[Fighting, fighting.] The

robot's walking speed has been increased to 2.5km/h, the level of the general public.

That's eight times faster than the first tournament four years ago.

[Professor Gong Gyeong-cheol/KAIST: Because the knee actuator and hip actuator are also twice as powerful in terms of power than the last tournament.]

I couldn't stand up without a cane, but now I can stand alone for about a minute.

The newly developed robotic leg has also been added to the part that acts as a human ankle, giving a better sense of balance than before.

The record was cut by six minutes from four years ago.

[Kim Byeong-wook/Cybaslon participant: In the past, if it was a robot that we almost dragged a robot around, you can see that more than 90% of the robots do it now.]

Originally held in Switzerland, in the aftermath of the Corona, 25 participating countries played matches in their own countries and changed their results.

Korea, where three players participated, is also looking forward to a golden achievement by surpassing the bronze medal in the first competition.