For the first time, a driver in his 30s, who violated the center line while driving while drunk and seriously injured a motorcyclist in his 20s, appeared in the media for the first time.

According to the Incheon District Law, a 38-year-old arrest warrant was requested on charges of dangerous driving and running away under the Certain Crimes Weighted Penalty Act. I entered the Incheon District Law.

He didn't say anything to the reporter's question, "Why did you run away (after the drinking accident)? Is there anything you want to say to the victim?"

The decision on whether Mr. A, who has been drunk driving, will be arrested will be decided later this afternoon.

On the 11th at 4:25 am, Mr. A was drunk on the 4th lane of Wonchang-dong, Seo-gu, Incheon City, drunk driving a Sonata car, violating the central line and driving backwards. There is.

In this accident, Mr. B was severely injured, such as having an amputated left leg, and was transferred to a nearby hospital for surgery.

After the accident, Mr. A ran for about 150m, but the tire of the vehicle was broken and stopped, and was arrested as a current offender by the police who dispatched after receiving a report from a nearby passerby.

At the time of his arrest, his blood alcohol concentration was 0.171%, which was the number of license cancellations.

B is a delivery man belonging to a delivery agency, and it was investigated that he had an accident while driving a motorcycle after having a dinner with his colleagues.

The police applied for a warrant of arrest by applying the so-called'Yoon Chang-ho Act' to Mr. A, who had a drunk driving accident.

The Yoon Chang-ho Act is a combination of the revised Special Deals Act, which reinforces punishment for drunk driving accidents, and the revised Road Traffic Act, which reinforces standards for suspension and cancellation of driver's licenses.

Mr. A insisted, "Because I'm drunk, I can't remember (the situation at the time of the crime)," and "I didn't run away after the accident, but I moved the vehicle to the shoulder."

(Photo = Yonhap News)