<Anchor> The

general strike of the Korean Medical Association is today (28th) on the third day. President Moon Jae-in said yesterday that the soldiers had left the battlefield during the war. When the government issued an order to commence business and confirmed that they actually returned, all the doctors confronted that they would issue a letter of resignation.

This is Nam Joo-hyun.

<Reporter> This

is a reading room at a university hospital that usually reads brain-related test images.

It was empty in the aftermath of the strike.

Brain and nerve-related surgery has already decreased, and emergency surgery is not easy.

Full-time doctors across the country have decided to submit their resignation letters.

The Ministry of Welfare hasn't stepped back either.

[Kim Hyeon-sook/Ministry of Health and Welfare Medical Resources Policy Division Director: The submission of a resignation letter is also viewed as an example of a group act. Even when submitting a resignation letter, an order to commence work can be issued... .]

We issued orders to commence business to 358 people majoring in 20 hospitals in the metropolitan area, and went to the hospitals to check their return status.

President Moon Jae-in strongly criticized the spread of Corona 19.

[President Moon Jae-in: I think that medical personnel leaving the medical field is the same as soldiers leaving the battlefield backwards in a wartime situation.] As the

government and the medical community faced a situation where there would be problems with the production of doctors next year, medical schools nationwide Deans came out.

[Han Jae-jin/Dean of Ewha Womans University School of Medicine: (The government) immediately formed a legislative council and reviewed it openly and transparently from the root... .] The

number of surgeries in major university hospitals is decreasing, and the medical gap is getting worse.

Both the government and the medical community have become inescapable of criticism for holding the people's safety and lives as hostages.