<Anchor> It

is the path of the typhoon, the southernmost tip of the entrance to the West Sea, and the residents of the Jeonnam New Ingun Gageo are also nervous. I'll connect you to Gageo by phone, Seong-in Lim, Youth Chairman, District 1 in Gageo. Is the President with you? Compared to usual, what's the weather like now?

[Lim Seong-in/Gageo Do Gageo 1 District Youth Chairperson: The wind, the rain and the waves are getting stronger every moment. It's a path that I can't even look forward to.]

<Anchor> It seems that the

wind and rain have already landed. Is there any damage now?

[Lim Seong-in/Gageo-do, Gageo 1-gu Youth Chairman: Currently, no damage has occurred. However, the high tide is now around 7 o'clock, and I'm worried about any damage to the breakwater overpass or some facilities in the port.]


You must have worked a lot to prepare well. You talked about breakwater before, but the breakwater collapsed during a typhoon last year. Please explain what the breakwater situation is right now.

[Lim Seong-in/Gageo-do, Chairman of Gageo 1 District: Residents are very concerned that the damage is almost serious because the breakwater construction that was damaged during last year's typhoon has not been repaired.]

<Anchor> As

much as you are concerned, you must have prepared a lot for typhoon preparation, please tell us the situation.

[Lim Seong-in/Gageo-do, Gageo 1 District Youth Chairman: Our large ships have already been evacuated to Mokpo Port or nearby Seoksan Port, and the small ships here have been lifted to land to strengthen the straps. I'm doing it.]

<Anchor> You must be

looking around the village early in the morning, please tell me what kind of work you did.

[Im Seong-in/Gageo-do, Gageo 1 District Youth Chairman: Now, we are well bonded so that houses or facilities do not fly in strong winds. And now, we have prepared for the elderly to stay safe inside the house. We are preparing now so that we can quickly and quickly prepare for damage.]


I am worried that the rain and wind is getting stronger. What is the last thing you worry about most?

[Lim Seong-in/Gageo-do, Gageo 1 District Youth Chairman: Well, first of all, people are damaged, so make sure that the older people stay safe in their homes, as I mentioned earlier. Currently, we fishermen have livelihoods, so the breakwater collapse is the most dangerous factor. is.]