During the full-fledged holiday season, a corona19 outbreak occurred at an outdoor campsite in Gangwon-do.

The Central Quarantine and Prevention Headquarters announced that 6 out of 18 families in six families camped together in Hongcheon, Gangwon-do from the 24th to the 26th.

Among the confirmed patients, there are 4 residents in Gyeonggi-do and 2 residents in Gangwon-do.

As they learned through internet clubs, it was confirmed that they did not follow the rules of quarantine, such as staying close to areas such as campgrounds and eating together without wearing a mask.

Health officials are also investigating the exact path of infection among six confirmatory patients and are also conducting screenings for contacts.

Health officials have emphasized that in summer vacations, even in the open air, close contact can be made, in which case distance and wearing a mask are essential.

In addition, he advised that vacations should be carried on a small scale as a family unit and avoid group meals.

(Photo = Yonhap News)