The crackdown on security guards for apartment security officers is delayed by seven months.

The National Police Agency said it will delay the periods associated with the application of the Security Business Act when apartment houses and other apartment managers hire security guards from late May to late December.

If the law applies, you should not allow security guards to do anything other than guard work, such as cleaning or transporting things.

In the meantime, the police have regarded the housing management company as a management entity under the Apartment Housing Management Act and saw that hiring security guards does not fall under the contract of contracting under the Security Industry Act.

However, in November 2018, the police decided to crack down on a fine of 700,000 won for a house management company that had security guards assigned without a guard.

In the housing management industry, it is difficult to have security guards who only do security work, so they insisted that they could lose their jobs.

The police say they will gather a wide range of opinions by providing administrative guidance for seven more months.