After the confessions of Michel Fourniret in the murder of Estelle Mouzin, W9 proposes Wednesday evening a special number on "the Mouzin affair". Nathalie Renoux, who presents the show, was on Europe 1 Wednesday at the microphone of Philippe Vandel in Culture Médias to present this special issue.


That's it, Michel Fourniret confessed to having killed Estelle Mouzin. The news was like a bomb when it was released last Friday. More than fifteen years after the disappearance of the little girl, the shadow of the serial killer hovers more than ever over this case, without anyone having been able to prove the guilt of the psychopath. These confessions prompted W9 to change the schedule of its programs to offer, Wednesday evening, a special number called: Criminal investigations - Estelle Mouzin: the truth finally? Nathalie Renoux, who presents the show, was on Europe 1 Wednesday at the microphone of Philippe Vandel in Culture Médias.

>> STORY - Disappearance of Estelle Mouzin: from the first suspicions to Fourniret's confession

"He never lied when he confessed"

"What the lawyer for Estelle Mouzin's father says", specifies Nathalie Renoux, "it is that Michel Fourniret has never accused himself of a crime that he did not commit". "He never lied when he confessed," she repeats again before wondering: "Is this the case again this time?"

>> Find all of Philippe Vandel's programs in replay and podcast here

Nicole, the second wife of the serial killer, was also contacted by the Criminal Investigation teams. She appears there with a hidden face and a transformed voice and advances a surprising theory. According to her, the serial killers "want to stay in the light".

The shadow of Nordahl Lelandais

"Recently, there was the Lelandais affair, it is an obstacle for Michel Fourniret because he is no longer on the front line so he has to talk about him again. He also has to keep some elements for resurface at every moment ", explains the second woman of" the ogre of the Ardennes ". As a reminder, Nordahl Lelandais acknowledged the murders of Maëlys, 8, in February 2018 and of Corporal Arthur Noyer in March 2018. He is suspected of having committed other murders.

As for Michel Fourniret, did he confess only to find himself in the spotlight again? The question remains.