Some employees of the Guro-gu call center in Seoul, where corona 19 outbreaks occurred, were found to have symptoms from late February to early March.

They are reported to continue to work after the symptoms, weighing the likelihood that employees have been exposed to infectious agents for a long time.

According to the confirmation lines of each borough, the authorities found that the call center staff had symptoms from the 4th of this month, but the onset of symptoms was earlier.

A 53-year-old woman in Mapo-gu, who was present in the call center, began to have sore throat symptoms on the 28th of last month and was confirmed only 10 days later this month.

The patient went to work 28 days and returned to work again on the 5th-6th of this month.

During the rest of the year, I visited a nearby hospital, pharmacy, etc. or rested at home.

A 48-year-old female employee living in Yangcheon-gu had her first symptoms of corona19 on the 29th of last month, but she continued her daily life 10 days before the month of confirmation.

On days 2-6, I went to the call center by subway and bus.

On the 2nd and 4th day, I went to the otolaryngology office near my workplace at 11:30 am and visited a funeral home in Gangdong-gu on the 3rd evening.

On the evening of the 5th, I had a one-hour dinner with my colleagues.

Luckily, masks were used to ride the subway, buses, and hospitals.

A 52-year-old female employee living in Gwanak-gu also had symptoms on the 29th of last month, but she went to work on the weekend and went to work 2-6 days.

The woman was also confirmed yesterday (10th).

A 51-year-old female resident in Guro-gu had been fevered over the past two days and was reported to have visited the hospital before lunch.

I couldn't get up on the third day, but I went to work in the afternoon.

It is estimated that the number of infected people has surged as employees are exposed to the virus for at least a week.

As of today (11th), 77 of the 207 11th-floor call center employees who were confirmed were confirmed, or 37%.

But the first source of infection is still ducking.

The first confirmed person on the last 8 days is most likely not the first person to have symptoms since day 6.

All five members of Shinchonji Shinto have received voice judgment.

As the epidemiologic survey showed that the symptom onset occurred, Seoul increased the scope of the survey among visitors to Korea Buildings with call centers from March 3 to 8 to last March 24 to March 8.

The City of Seoul said in a letter of safety today, "If you have respiratory symptoms such as fever and cough among the visitors to Korea Building from February 24 to March 8, please visit the Health Center Screening Clinic."