This was told by the company's CEO Vladislav Ivanenko.

“In 2024, together with the Roskosmos enterprise, JSC Russian Space Systems, we plan to launch a sufficiently large apparatus by our standards weighing 120-150 kg,” Ivanenko quotes RIA Novosti.

He said that this satellite will make it possible to take pictures of the earth's surface with a resolution of about a meter.

According to him, "the target is to reach the cost of such a platform for different types of payload with serial production of about 300 million rubles."

“The project is co-financed by the RCC and partly we ourselves from our own funds. Thus, we are jointly developing a new universal satellite platform, which will be in demand for Earth remote sensing, and for communication devices, and for scientific and technological satellites, ”Ivanenko added.

Earlier it was reported that the launch of the Meteor-M meteorological satellite was postponed until 2021 due to the need for additional tests of the device.