The public confusion is growing as the local governments around Corona 19 respond to the heavy-duty way.

In contrast to Seoul's campaign to 'wear masks anywhere,' the Superintendent of Education, Kim Seung-hwan, of the Jeonbuk Office of Education showed the use of masks on SNS.

On May 28, Superintendent Kim posted several photos on his Facebook at the Corona19 Countermeasures Center. The superintendent Kim and the civil servants in the photo were not wearing masks.

One of the netizens said, "If a clinician comes to the school board, Jeonbuk education is paralyzed, so everyone can wear a mask." "I was skeptical," he said.

In another post, "In America, rather than wearing a mask, I get a strange eye." Unlike the United States, Asia has a high density of cities, which emphasizes the importance of masks to prevent splash infection. Is what an individual does, "he replied.

Superintendent Kim said, "Our society is very hostile against my thoughts, my actions, and other things," or "If you consult the official WHO announcements, you won't have any problems. Also left.

In contrast, Seoul launched a two-week "pause" campaign from yesterday. The campaign rule to practice 'social distance' is to avoid contact with others and to wear a mask anytime and anywhere.

With the rapid increase in corona19 in Korea, local governments and experts have divided opinions on specific guidelines and countermeasures. The government is now focusing on securing masks.

'News Pick'.

(Photo: Seung-Hwan Kim, Superintendent of Jeonbuk Facebook / Seoul City website)