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Samsung's A-range is like the team of soldiers accused of a crime they did not commit with the same name - or, well, letter -: they may not be the most delicate, but they do their job. Both have a plan (which goes well) and if the television heroes had an unforgettable van, the Samsung Galaxy A71 does not stay far from the size of it.

Successor to the Galaxy A70 and older cousin of the Galaxy A51, he shares with these two the belonging to a mid-range that, like them, could dominate without problems. Especially when its price, 469 euros , goes down and can be purchased on unofficial channels for something closer to 400 euros.

As it happened last year, the A71 intends to impose itself without subtleties; It is powerful and blunt as a slap with an open hand. With its 6.7-inch screen and almost 180 grams of weight , it can hardly fit in the most rocky pockets. It is, without a doubt, the Galaxy MA.

Its size makes it not comfortable to use with one hand and this task becomes impossible if it is a small hand. It is more made for those who play the guitar than for those who prefer the ukulele. Now, if we get to the idea that to hold it you need two wrists onwards and not less than eight fingers , we have a very complete terminal with a screen that few can match. There are many users for whom size matters and this phone has attributes.

The body is made of aluminum, glass and plastic, with a design of stripes and diagonals similar to that of the A51, although more complex. All this, combined with the gradient of color when the light falls on your body, a trend that, although it is no longer original, is still able to convince, especially in the white model. Of course, the finish will be marred by fingerprints just by taking the phone out of your pocket.

In the back Samsung has chosen to place the four cameras in its own hole with an arrangement in L. It is bulky and not necessarily elegant, but necessary. It is striking that this has been resolved with more expertise in the A71 than in the Galaxy S20, which seems to come with a built-in matchbox. Who was going to tell the Lumia 1020 that it would be ahead of its time.

The problems of subjection inherent in size also reach biometrics . The fingerprint reader is located under the screen, but a device of this caliber would have been much more comfortable in the back or on the side. The arrangement makes it almost impossible to unlock it with the same thumb that seconds later you have to reach a notification or an application located at a stretch - from some wrist muscle - away. Facial recognition, less certain, becomes the only alternative to this reader that, in any case, leaves a lot to be desired.

All in all, this phone could go through a high-end phone without problems. Its small frames and its slightly curved screen allow almost the entire front to be a screen (the camera, by the way, appears in a hole that looks smaller than it is thanks to the huge size of the panel).

Samsung has also added to this phone the Edge Display function, which allows you to display a panel of functions and shortcut icons from the side of the screen (its position can be set). It is an easier tool to use in devices with a more pronounced curve in the front part - it is easier to recognize by touch where the edge is - but in any case it is an addition that is appreciated. In the maelstrom of applications, screens and icons, it serves as a milestone to anchor: when everything fails you can look at the stars to know where you are. Literally, because one of its applications is a compass.

Its brightness, its sharpness and, above all, its 6.7 inches make the A71 one of the best media ranges for sharing content and for playing. Without reaching the performance of the S20 -or those of the S10e, for getting closer to its surroundings-, it has excellent performance (the Snapdragon 730G is a blessing for the mid-range) and a battery capable of supporting chapter after chapter and game after game . Fast loading is like when we fix something at home with electrical tape: it seems that it will not last and in the end it is more than enough. With a little more than half an hour, you get about 50% charge.

In its four cameras there are almost no differences from the A51; Only the main one changes (64 megapixels, instead of 48). That is to say, it should not be a reason to opt for one or the other, since in no case do we face a photography prodigy. They fulfill their mission, yes, and they have a more than correct portrait mode that somehow compensates for a macro that, not having autofocus, is quite useless : either you place the phone at the exact distance, or the image will be blurred .

With these credentials, the strongest member of Team A is presented. In the same van, on the way to a small farm in a forgotten town that an unscrupulous businessman has infatuated, his fellow Galaxy A50, A51, A70 or A travel. to be. Samsung has no favorites because in this story it would be more like Antena 3: it will win as long as we continue to swallow the chapters.

And we will do it. Total, at this time (or at this price) there is nothing much better.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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