Netflix improves streaming quality on Android - Geeko

Beyond its programs and prices, Netflix is ​​also interested in the quality of its user experience. This is also why the service has a 4K formula and that it regularly offers innovations in its app. This time, there is talk of better efficiency in image compression, which will increase by 20% the performance of streaming on Android.

An improvement based on the fact that Netflix will use the AV1 codec in the future on its Android app. A change that will improve the quality of service. The codec in question is free of rights, in other words, Netflix did not pay a penny to take advantage of it.

If the Android version of its application is currently the only one to benefit from better performance - the AV1 codec is only available on this operating system -, Netflix assured that it would integrate it with all its platforms.

The new codec does not yet affect all content

"As the codec performance improves over time, we plan to extend our AV1 usage to more use cases and we are now also working with device and chipset partners to extend that to hardware, "said the streaming service.

Netflix gives priority to its mobile platforms, because it is with them that the compression efficiency of the AV1 best matches. In fact, the mobile connection is not always reliable and user plans are often limited.

For now, the new codec is only available for certain content. You will need to activate the “mobile data economy” option to find out which programs are available with this codec. To do this, go to the application settings> Video playback> Cellular data consumption> Data economy.


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  • Series
  • Cinema
  • Application
  • Mobile app
  • Android
  • smartphone
  • streaming
  • High-Tech
  • Netflix