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The Scottish actor stars in the sequel to the mythical horror film turned into the son of Jack Nicholson's character

Almost 40 years after the premiere of The Shining , Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece based on Stephen King's eponymous novel, comes Doctor Dream , adaptation of the continuation of the story , also written by King. The film stars Ewan McGregor (Perth, Scotland, 1971), who gives life to Danny Torrance, the son of the mythical character played by Jack Nicholson.

What memories do you have of The Shining ? The first thing I remember is that it took me years to see that movie precisely because it was too scary. I think he was 9 when it was released. Obviously, I didn't see her then. But, even when I was a teenager, I resisted because there were people who referred to her as "the most terrifying movie ever made." So I didn't see her until I went to the school of Dramatic Arts. I wanted to study interpretations like Jack Nicholson's ... And what did you think when the opportunity came to give life to the son of Jack Nicholson's character? At first I was somewhat skeptical when I thought it was simply the sequel to The Shining . But, later, I learned that it is much more, since it adapts another work of Stephen King to the big screen. Doctor Dream seems to me a very interesting book. Later, when I met Mike Flanagan, director and screenwriter of the film, my interest in filming the film grew even more, since it seemed to me that Mike was the right person to help me explore Danny Torrance's character. How would you describe the evolution Danny along the tape? Well, the film begins by showing Danny as a child who lives with his mother in Florida and has to deal with the demons that have been chasing him since he was at the famous Overlook Hotel. Until a friend shows you the way to beat them. Later, the plot focuses on adult Danny and he appears very affected by alcoholism. It was important that that was very realistic and we saw him at such a low moment so that, on the one hand, we understood his painful existence and then witnessed how he got out of there. Without counting more than the account, how does Danny get out of there? Meet someone who helps you, stop drinking and find your way. Start living a simpler and happier life working in a nursing home and assisting people who are at the end of their life, which is where they will earn the nickname of Doctor Dream . That is when he comes into contact with a young girl named Abra who, after discovering something terrible, will ask for help. At first, Danny does not want to intervene, since he has left his powers and that part of his life and his "glow" behind. But then you will understand that you have to help her. What did she feel when filming her scenes at the legendary Hotel Overlook? Rolling there was like returning to a place you know well. Almost as if Jack Nicholson had left and could return at any moment.

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