
The problem is that this paper was used for Cho's daughter to enter Korea University. Therefore, it is pointed out that if the thesis itself is canceled or if the dissertation is lost, admission to the university should also be cancelled. Based on the candidate's daughter's letter of introduction and student records obtained by SBS.

This is reporter Jung Kyung-yoon.


Cho Mo, the daughter of the country's candidate, submitted his self-introduction form during the 2010 Korea University Admissions Process.

The details were also recorded in Cho's Student Life Record.

At the time, Mr. Cho applied for the screening process in two stages. The first stage was decided only by documents such as self-introductions and student life records submitted by applicants.

If the document is found to have been forged or altered, it will be rejected.

After the controversy over admissions, Mr. Cho sent clarifications.

Since he did not specify in his cover letter that he was the first author of the dissertation and did not submit a dissertation, he insisted that the information he had written on his application was not wrong.

In response, the Korea University responded in principle that if any serious defects are found, they may cancel their admission through their own review process.

The online community has heralded a candlelight rally calling on Mr. Cho to cancel his degree, and controversy over Mr. Cho's admission will continue for the time being.