

News just start. It is Mr. Hyunjun Ko, a current affairs critic. What's your first post?

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

The first news was the government declared war on tobacco. I changed the design so that I did not want to pick up the cigarette packs. I phased out the smoking in the room and after 4 years I decided to close all the smoking rooms.

The smoking rate in Korea has decreased since 2008, and the smoking rate of adult males fell to the lowest level of 38.1% in 2017, but it is still high compared with major developed countries.

Recently, the cigarette-type e-cigarette sales have increased, and the government has once again pitched the game. At first, warning pictures and phrases, which account for about half of the cigarette packs, will increase to 75% as early as next year.

From 2022, we will introduce standard cigarette packs to emphasize the warning message of cigarette packs. If all cigarettes are standardized with the same size and design, they will lose advertising and promotional effects.

We are planning to eliminate the smoking rooms of all buildings by 2025 and to increase the smoking area outside the building instead of using advertising and comics and animal characters that attract the youth.

Smokers caught smoking in the smoking area will be given the opportunity to reduce their fines as a condition to receive a cessation of smoking.

However, we talked about smoking cessation every time, but we decided not to review the cigarette price increase immediately.


I think we have a long-term plan and I need to see how effective it is. Let me hear from you.

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

The next story is about the American story, the story of a student who received a very special gift at a high school graduation ceremony.

I am Saint Thomas Aquinas High School in Florida, USA on the 19th. At the end of the graduation ceremony, "Kayla" attended the graduation ceremony.

When Kayla came to the podium, the moderator called another one, Kayla's father, Tillman Sergeant, who was dispatched to the US Army 10 years ago.

When he saw his father in uniform, Keila was surprised by his mouth shut, and the graduation ceremony was filled with applause and shouting.

I found that my father, who arrived in his home country earlier than expected, visited his school before his daughter and suggested his surprise appearance, and the staff members accepted the proposal and prepared the event.

Mr Tillman was reported to have made video calls without meeting his daughter in his 10 years in Korea.

It is said that the woman is having a happy time together now. It was a wonderful dad who gave his daughter a graduation gift that she will never forget.


It was a really great present because I first saw it when I was in elementary school. Let me hear from you.

<Hyun Jun Goh / Editorial Reviewer>

The next news is in the English story, and nowadays British extreme right politicians are very nervous about one drink.

Citizens are protesting to throw milkshakes because they are protesting with milkshakes.

A man dressed up in a suit walks down and throws a milkshake like this. The man who was baptized by Milkshake is the representative of the UK's most popular right-wing politician, Nigel Parajibrech.

Towards the end of parade in the center of Newcastle city, a man threw a milkshake, stopping hatred and racial discrimination.

Tommy Robinson, who created the Protestant alliance of the extreme right-wing group, kicked off the milkshake on the second day of the rally.

Robinson's milkshake footage became popular through the SNS, and on the 19th, a British right-wing British Independent Party candidate, Carl Benjamin, was hit by milkshakes that were cast by demonstrators during the election campaign.

As Milkshake threw, the British police asked McDonalds in Edinburgh to not sell milkshakes from the 24th to 26th of the European Parliament election.


I do not think it's terrorism, but anyway, it's possible that a fellow citizen could not eat milkshakes for a few days.