Scientists from the Harvard Medical School (USA) found that the body of people who are at rest burns 10% more calories in the evening than in the morning.

To such conclusions, the researchers came by conducting an experiment with a group of seven volunteers. For more than a month, the subjects lived in a windowless laboratory, where they did not engage in any physical activity and were in a state of rest. So that participants in the experiment could not keep track of time, scientists took their watches and phones from them. The regime of the day - the rise, hang up and eat - nutritionists strictly regulated. At the same time every night bedtime was delayed by 4 hours.

It turned out that only in the case when the biological and actual evenings of the volunteers coincided, their body burned about 0.5 grams of fat every hour.

“For many people, biological and actual evenings coincide. But if a person violates the regime of the day, goes to bed later and later, the difference between the time of the biological and the actual evening increases. In the end, the biological evening comes late at night or in the early morning - a bad time of day for burning calories, ”the study authors reported.

American researchers found that when the biological and actual hours coincided, the smallest number of calories the subjects burned between 4 and 6 in the morning, and the most from 5 to 8 in the evening.

According to Russian experts, the time of day really affects the amount of calories burned by the body and the study of Western scientists once again proves the need to follow a certain daily regimen for those who want to lose weight.

“A lot of fat burns from twelve to one in the morning. In this time interval, a somatotropic hormone is produced, which is capable of burning up to 150 grams of adipose tissue in just 50 minutes. This hormone is fully excreted, provided that the person went to bed on time and before bedtime he ate food containing protein. But if a person has eaten anything containing carbohydrates before going to bed - it doesn't matter if it is an apple or a cake - then the hormone production is blocked, ”said dietologist, doctor of medical sciences of the Academy of Natural Sciences Alexey Kovalkov in an interview with RT.

Not so long ago, American scientists found that the use of cottage cheese - a protein-rich product - 30-60 minutes before bedtime helps reduce the amount of fat in the body during sleep.