"The original documents of the criminal case - 105 sheets - have been digitized, which cover the period from August 30 to September 18, 1918. They include testimonies, descriptions and photographs of investigative experiments, bulletins on the state of health of Vladimir Ilyich, directives of the manager of the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars Vladimir Bonch-Bruevich, "the library website reported.

In the case, which is presented on the portal of the library, there is a series of photographs called "Re-enactment", on which the picture of the attempt on Lenin was recreated. The author of the photographs was Yakov Yurovsky, who directed the execution of Nicholas II and his family.

It is noted that the bulk of the materials on the attempt on Lenin are the bulletins on the health of the leader and evidence of doctors.

July 17, 2018 marked the 100th anniversary of the execution in Yekaterinburg of the last Russian emperor Nicholas II, together with his family. About the events of a century ago and questions that have not been answered so far, in the material RT.