A taxi driver who believed it was a perfect crime to commit a residential infiltration sexual assault more than 10 years ago was subjected to a forced investigation of female passengers and submitted a DNA file.

The 49-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of violating the Sexual Abuse Criminal Act (rescue rape, rape, etc.) and arrested taxi driver A (49).

According to the prosecution, A is reported to have been investigated by a woman who was aboard a taxi in February.

A police investigation revealed that the female passenger had exaggerated the statement and filed a false report.

Police demanded DNA from A as well as a sex offender, and A, who was unfairly molested, agreed to take DNA as if he were trying to prove his innocence.

The results of the DNA test result of the National Institute of Forensic Scientists have been reversed.

The DNA submitted by Mr. A was in line with the DNA found in the residential invasive sexual assault cases in Busan in 2004 and Ulsan in 2007 respectively.

A was finally arrested and sent to the prosecution as a suspect in a US sexual assault case.

But in 2004 and 2007, A denied all of the charges, saying DNA was not detected in the victims of sexual assault in 2007.

The prosecution handed the case back to the National Institute of Scientific Investigation and sent A DNA to reemphasize that all the DNA extracted from the latest emotion technology in the 2004 and 2007 sexual assault cases were found to match DNA of Mr. A.

In particular, the prosecution filed a confession to Mr. A on my trial after complaining about the body fluid of A victim in the body contents of the victim of sexual assault in 2007 and the DNA of the A in the women's underwear.

The prosecution said that the suspects had been conspiring to collect DNA after they reportedly did not have their DNA left by dragging the victims to the toilet immediately after sexual assault.

A prosecution official said, "We received a confession from Mr. A and he was able to stop the second damage because a woman who suffered sexual assault cases 10 years ago does not have to attend court."

(Photo: Yonhap News)