“On Friday, the Russian cosmonauts in the Rassvet module installed equipment for conducting the Leas, an educational biological experiment,” RIA Novosti cites its words.

Levinskih added that duckweed is an interesting object for research from the point of view of biological life support systems, because it grows quickly and can be used as food.

During the experiment, which will last 10 days, students explore the effects of weightlessness on the behavior of duckweed. On board the space station for this purpose, the device "Phase" with three vessels, which contain water, air and duckweed, is used.

It is noted that the first results of the experiment showed that the plant in weightlessness is also located on the surface of the water.

According to her, the experiment is designed for 10 days.

In March 2017, American astronauts on the ISS harvested Chinese cabbage.