“In just 20 years of existence of the ISS, our cosmonauts conducted 176 experiments. They have a scientific value. But I will not say that it was an absolutely effective work. The astronauts insist that they want to engage in promising, breakthrough things, ”he said.

In this regard, Roskosmos revised the approach to the work of the ISS crew and the operation of the station itself.

According to Rogozin, it is planned to install special platforms to the external board of the modules, to which scientific equipment will be mounted, including meteorological equipment, devices for remote sensing of the Earth, various repeaters.

“Astronauts go into space, look at how the equipment works. After the treatment of “childhood diseases”, the devices will be sent to the appropriate orbits, ”the head of the state corporation explained.

Earlier, Rogozin said that the plans of the United States to disembark people on the moon may be a “screen” for certain operations.