
Park Yoo - cheon, who is suspected of using narcotics with her ex - girlfriend Huang Hana, a Namyang dairy founder, was investigated on the second day of a police investigation yesterday. Police say Park has identified the drug purchase intent with SNS and telegrams, which do not leave traces, and has found out the circumstances in which he spent money on a merchant account.

I am a journalist.


Park Ji-cheon, a singer who appeared on the police for the second time on the drug charge, answered no questions to reporters.

[Park Yoochun / singer and actor: (Are you still denying the charge?) ... ... .]

Police have contacted drug dealers using a telegram, an SNS program that leaves no trace, and has been pursuing Park, suggesting the circumstances in which he made a deposit with a drug account identified as related to drug abuse.

Mr. Park said that Hwang Hana asked for the deposit and denied the allegations by saying that the telegram was not his account.

However, the police said that they had used the so-called "throwing" technique where the buyer visits the drug store where the dealer promises, and he also confirmed that Mr. Park and Hwang appeared together at the drug-seeking place.

Police say the two men have deposited money into the account on the same day, moved to a hotel and Huang Hana's home, which was designated as a place of medication after they found drugs at the casting site.

Police will call Park one more time in the near future, and plan to conduct an investigation into Hwangha Han.