
I was told yesterday (9th) that police officers applied for a warrant for the entertainer who claimed that Hwang Hahn had recommended drugs to him. But singer and actor Park Ji-cheon, who was named as the entertainer, I opened the interview. I strongly denied the allegations that I had never been authorized to do drugs.

▶ [Independent] 'Hwang Han Hwa drug' celebrity forced investigation ... Apply for a communication warrant

First, it is Kang Min-woo.


Park Yoochun, who was once a singer and actor, was between Hwang Hana and her lover.

Mr. Park, who appeared at the interview with a dark face, read the entrance door that he prepared and went down.

[Park Yoochun / singer and actor: I thought it was right for me to tell all things honestly. I never did drugs.]

Mr. Park strongly denied drug charges five times while reading a sheet of A4 paper.

[Park Yoochun / singer and actor: Because I did not do drugs ... It is unthinkable to think or take drugs.]

In addition, he said he took a prescription for sleep deprivation as a depressive symptom, but said it had nothing to do with drugs.

In the police investigation, Park said that Park had been continuing to administer the drugs, saying that her husband, Huang Hana, who was arrested on charges of drug abuse, told her that he had either taken the drug directly from her acquaintance or asked her to rescue her.

But he insisted that he did not even know he was taking the drugs, rather than the drugs.

[Park Yoochun / singer and actor: I have never used drugs and I have never recommended them.]

While the two sides were completely disagreed, the police started an investigation into Hwang's assertions based on the statements of Hwang.

(Image coverage: Kim, Myeongmo, Daewoong, video editing: Won, Hyunghee)